Have You Been The Victim Of Racial Discrimination In The Workplace?
Our legal team represents California employees (as well as candidates for employment) who have experienced racial discrimination, whether on the job or during the hiring process. We know that some employees suffer blatant racial discrimination that limits their opportunities for advancement. We also understand how subjective aspects of workplace hiring procedures can create discriminatory practices. Whatever your situation, we will evaluate your potential claim from every angle to determine the best course of action.
At Donald R. Holben & Associates, APC, our lawyers have represented individuals in the private and public sectors, including government employees. We provide in-depth guidance and representation at the administrative and judicial levels, tailored to each client’s situation.
There are many ways that people can become victims of race and ethnicity discrimination in the workplace, including:
- Being passed over for promotion
- Being overlooked for a job interview
- Being rejected for a job, despite having superior qualifications
- Being forced from your job
We will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the options available to you. We understand that these claims must demonstrate that you were the best candidate for promotion or hire and retention based on your qualifications and/or résumé and interview. Our attorneys will review the selection process to determine whether the employer used proper standards. We can also evaluate those other applicants or candidates for hire or promotion in order to support your claim that discrimination was indeed the basis for such action by your employer or supervisor.
Free Initial Consultations — Offices Conveniently Located In San Diego And Palm Springs
We welcome you to contact us today to discuss your situation. Your initial consultation is free of charge. For a phone consultation or to schedule a face-to-face appointment, call 619-780-2820 to reach our San Diego office or 760-501-0615 for our Palm Springs office or call us toll free from anywhere in California at .